Litentry Weekly Updates — Dec 6th-12th

1 min readDec 12, 2020


Litentry App

  • Improve the UX of QR coding signing with Parity Signer
  • Support identity related extrinsic submission on substrate related chains

Litentry Node (Account Linker & Offchain worker)

  • Finished preliminary link BTC functionality with some basic tests: can link P2PKH address
  • Set the milestone and work plan for public test-net
  • Containerize offchain worker
  • Implemented test cases of signing message with Ethereum test account and then interact with Litentry node


  • setup and configure Kusama validator node and participate Kusama Validator 1000 program (in preparation for Polkadot Validator 1000 Program)
  • Live coding and workshop with Dorahacks
  • Continue refining on a proposal of a governance-centric app for Polkadot treasury fund


  • Litentry’s community developer John Wu has conducted an online workshop for the DoraHacks Substrate Hackathon in the theme of “Link Ethereum Identity with Offchain-worker”. The DoraHacks Substrate Hackathon will be held in Hangzhou, China on the 19th and 20th of December and the Litentry team will attend and coach for cross-chain identity linking.

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