- Internally aligned within the team the Identity Linking Management pallet (Meeting to present after this weekly)
- XCM is getting closer. Few more unit and integration tests to finalize. However, the plan is to roll out XCM functionality this week to allow the f/e team to be able to utilize and test the functionality
Web App
- Ready to release Litentry Network support to the app
— What could users do? See balance and claim tokens (Crowdloan rewards)
— Token bridge (Ethereum > Litentry) is not yet supported by the parachain - Started working on LIT transfers from Litmus to Moonriver (XCM)
My Crypto Profile
- Launched MCPv2 Pre-release community testing
- Team joint the Web3 Bootcamp training
- Web3Go team joint WASM conference
- Moonpush and MoonID presented themselves in the Moonriver Hackathon
- Deployed part of data processing services online, mainly from LIT Graph balance database, with 2 million nodes and 4.8 million edges
Litentry Graph
- EVM Indexing
- NFT indexing
- Crowdloan rewards
- Balances indexing
- Polkasignin
Litentry Offline
Litentry is at Consensus 2022! Below is our product manager Rodrigo presenting the Drop3 product and solution at the stage.

About Litentry
Litentry is a Decentralized Identity Aggregator that enables linking user identities across multiple networks. Featuring a DID indexing protocol and a Substrate-built distributed DID validation blockchain, Litentry provides a decentralized, interoperable identity aggregation service that mitigates the difficulty of resolving agnostic DID mechanisms. Litentry provides a secure vehicle through which users manage their identities and dApps obtain real-time DID data of an identity owner across different blockchains.