Litentry this week: Identity Management Pallet development work has commenced, Governance v1.0 pallet processing well

2 min readJul 12, 2022



  • Crowdloan
    — Working on a resolution to the Parallel tiered reward
    — Failure Compensation for Batch 1 and 2 — Work is currently in progress on this, code has been written, but needs a final tweak prior to test and roll out
  • XCM — close to being launched on Litmus. We just need to send an open channel request for Litmus, confirm channel opening etc
  • Identity Management Pallet development work has commenced
    — Started work on the Parachain pallet
    — TEE micro-service investigation underway
    — Plan is to deliver Identity Management Parachain and TEE pallet for end of July
  • Governance v1.0 pallet processing well
    — Rolled out on Rococo
    — We’ve held a couple of meetings to test the Governance functionality within the Polkadot Network Explorer.
    — The plan is to roll out the pallet on Litmus today or tomorrow
  • Staking pallet is being worked on (70% complete)
    — Staking pallet is based on Moonbeam implementation
    — Business Logic completed
    — Initial tests passed
    — Further work required on Benchmark functionality

Mobile App

  • Implementation of the Polkadot API initialisation through WebView is in progress which will solve some performance and user experience related issues in the governance app.
  • Bug fixes and infrastructure work such as increasing the test coverage, refactoring the deprecated third-party packages.
  • Preparing mock-ups and style guidelines for revamping the UI/UX of the governance app.
  • Including contextual information for proposal (title, description etc.)from Litentry Graph as a result of the collaboration with the OpenSquare team.

Litentry Networks WebApp

  • XCM integration was successfully tested in Moonbeam testnet. Looking forward to parachain feature rollout
  • Bug fixes
  • Supporting mobile-friendly wallets by using WalletConnect.

My Crypto Profile

  • Documentation Updates
  • Talisman integration

Litentry Graph

  • Crowdloans investigations
  • Graph updates
    — NFT indexing progress
    — Governance updates


  • 2x Web3 Bootcamp training
  • New homepage and first product page update
  • Polkadot-decoded follow-up


  • Fei spoke at House in Finance last week and shared the concept of DID with their master's students:

About Litentry

Litentry is a Decentralized Identity Aggregator that enables linking user identities across multiple networks. Featuring a DID indexing protocol and a Substrate-built distributed DID validation blockchain, Litentry provides a decentralized, interoperable identity aggregation service that mitigates the difficulty of resolving agnostic DID mechanisms. Litentry provides a secure vehicle through which users manage their identities and dApps obtain real-time DID data of an identity owner across different blockchains.

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