Dear Polkadot and Kusama ecosystems,
After a successful community testing round and with improvements on the way, Drop3 would like to extend an invitation for other projects to start using Drop3Bot in their own Discord servers. The current setup we have is particularly tailored for projects actively participating in Kusama or Polkadot Slot Auctions, but can be used by any project looking to integrate our community engagement tool and do on-chain verifications with a reward system in place for user participation.
With an interest in learning and understanding the needs and requirements that other projects have regarding airdrops, we would like to set up a personalized experience with Drop3Bot for each of the participating projects’ servers. This collaboration would help Drop3 to tailor its product to make it easy for projects to use it while making sure their real needs are met, and continue collecting feedback from the continuous user testing.
What does the current setup allow users to do?
- Users can connect their polkadot{.js} wallets and Verify contributions to Polkadot or Kusama crowd loans
- Users can participate in Web2 tasks (e.g. Twitter, Medium), through Gleam.io
- Users can participate in a referral program and invite their friends, acquaintances and social media following
How is this relevant for Projects?
- Projects can set different rewards for the completion of these tasks and others of their choosing
- Drop3 can add new tasks that require on-chain verification on a case by case basis
- Projects can benefit from a referral program without having to set it up from scratch
- Projects can incentivize crowdloan participation, and rewards those who have already contributed
- Projects can increase their social media presence and participation
Drop3 wants to add the above features straight into the participating projects’ Discord servers as a simple yet effective way for their communities to participate in tasks that add value to the projects, without needing to send them to an external website or direct them outside of the existing community channels. In turn, this allows the Litentry team to further learn and continue to improve Drop3 as a community engagement tool.
What we have setup is only the beginning, in the long run our vision with Drop3 is to allow projects to:
Increase User Engagement and dApp Adoption.
Through reward incentives, projects can set up tasks that offer new and interesting engagement opportunities for newcomers and their existing community as well. It allows for users to resonate and interact with the projects’ brand, particularly when they are new to the ecosystem and are in the learning/exploration phase. But also to reward the loyal members of their existing communities. Creating tasks that allow users to get educated or explore products while earning, is more likely to result in dApp adoption. Aiming for a long term impact instead of users acting on a short term basis and swapping your project’s token for another one.
Distribute their tokens:
Through the Drop3 protocol projects can take the opportunity to distribute tokens to their community. By connecting top Drop3, the transfer of tokens to each address is made easy and simple. Additionally, Drop3 verification and anti-fraud measures are in place to filter-out fake accounts who may abuse the token distribution scheme. Furthermore, by creating task-completion requirements, projects can ensure that they distribute tokens to the users they value most in the way the choose to define that value.
Implement Testing and receive feedback from their community:
Drop3 additionally will empower projects to create experimental tasks, community testing and bounty programs, to see how their community would react to the innovative features they are working on. But also to harness the power and size of the web3 community. Having this access can make a huge difference when it comes to product development practices, while encouraging transparency and collaboration.
Invitation for participation:
If you would like to participate please send an email to drop3@litentry.com or contact Litentry through our social media and we will get back to you as soon as possible to proceed further.
The testing link for projects will be shared later.
Thank you for reading Lintetry’s announcement and news! Please feel free to reach out to us through our social media or email: drop3@litentry.com if you have any future questions!
Stay in touch with us through:
- Support The Litentry Polkadot auction through Crowdloan Campaign
- Community chat at Drop3 Discord
- Following us on Drop3 Twitter
- Technical discussion on Github
- More information on Drop3 Website